
If I close my eyes I can everything
I can know what is everything
And If I can everything I can be everything
Everything your imagine and not exist in the world

If I close my eyes I can everything.
I can everything to give you everything.
And if I give you everything you'll can be everything.
Everything that you want and is everything to me.

If I close my eyes I can see you
I can hug you and never leave you
I can show you that you are everything for me.

If I open my eyes
I can see that I am nothing without you.
And if I don't close my eyes nothing is everything that I can see.

Resolvi traduzir alguns sonetos antigos meus, pois, percebi um aumento nas visualizações estrageiras por aqui, então, ai está, um dos meus preferidos.

I decided to translate some of my old sonnets, because I noticed an increase in the views from other country, so there is one of my favorites. (Here in portuguese, em português: )

Hope you like! Thank's to visit. Don't forget, comment, follow and share.

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